Senin, 21 November 2016
Masa lalu akan
tetap ada. Kau tidak perlu terlalu lama terjebak di dalamnya.
Pada kisah ini, kau akan bertemu An. Perempuan dengan tawa renyah itu sudah lama tak bisa keluar dari masa lalu. Ia menyimpan rindu, yang membuatnya semakin kehilangan tawa setiap waktu. Membuatnya menyalahkan doa-doa yang terbang ke langit. Doa-doa yang lupa kembali kepadanya.
An tahu, seharusnya ia tinggalkan kisah sedih itu berhari-hari lalu. Namun, ia masih saja di tempat yang sama. Bersama impian yang tak bisa ia jalani sendiri, tetapi tak bisa pula ia lepaskan.
Pernahkan kau merasa seperti itu? Tak bisa menyalahkan siapa-siapa, kecuali hatimu yang tak lagi bahagia. Pernahkah kau merasa seperti itu? Saat cinta menyapa, kau memilih berpaling karena terlalu takut bertemu luka.
Mungkin, kisah An seperti kisahmu.
Diam-diam, doa yang sama masih kau tunggu.
Pada kisah ini, kau akan bertemu An. Perempuan dengan tawa renyah itu sudah lama tak bisa keluar dari masa lalu. Ia menyimpan rindu, yang membuatnya semakin kehilangan tawa setiap waktu. Membuatnya menyalahkan doa-doa yang terbang ke langit. Doa-doa yang lupa kembali kepadanya.
An tahu, seharusnya ia tinggalkan kisah sedih itu berhari-hari lalu. Namun, ia masih saja di tempat yang sama. Bersama impian yang tak bisa ia jalani sendiri, tetapi tak bisa pula ia lepaskan.
Pernahkan kau merasa seperti itu? Tak bisa menyalahkan siapa-siapa, kecuali hatimu yang tak lagi bahagia. Pernahkah kau merasa seperti itu? Saat cinta menyapa, kau memilih berpaling karena terlalu takut bertemu luka.
Mungkin, kisah An seperti kisahmu.
Diam-diam, doa yang sama masih kau tunggu.
Walking After
You, novel ini bercerita tentang masakan Italia, kue Prancis, lelaki
penyuka salsa, perempuan pembawa hujan, dan koki beraroma apel, mint, dan sage.
An, seorang perempuan yang hidup dengan bayang-bayang masa lalu bersama saudara
kembarnya, Arlet. Karena kembar, bukan berarti mereka sama dalam semua hal,
Arlet menyukai kue Prancis dan An jatuh hati pada masakan Italia.
Sebagai kembar, An dan Arlet saling
menjaga dan mencintai satu sama lain. Hingga mereka bertemu si lelaki penyuka
salsa—iya, lelaki yang itu, yang matanya biru keabu-abuan, kulitnya cokelat,
tubuhnya beraroma laut musim panas, dan ciumannya seperti segelas wine—saat
mereka masih menjadi murid di Le Cordon Bleu. Di masa lalu tersebut, di La
spezia—restoran milik lelaki tersebut—An membuat kesalahan, kesalahan
terbesar dalam hidupnya yang membawanya pada penyesalan, dan mengantarnya ke
sebuah toko kue kecil bergaya Eropa kuno yang disebut-sebut sebagai ‘tempat
paling tepat untuk menikmati kue-kue Eropa terbaik di negeri ini’ bernama Afternoon
Tea. Dan dengan cara itulah An menebus kesalahannya terhadap Arlet.
Di toko kue tersebut, An
menghabiskan hari-harinya sebagai asisten seorang koki yang kaku, gila
kesempurnaan, dan beraroma apel, mint, dan sage. Pertemuannya dengan lelaki
tersebut dan seorang perempuan pembawa hujan membuat An sadar bahwa menjadi
koki kue Eropa bukan impiannya, impiannya adalah menjadi koki masakan Italia di
sebuah trattoria yang pernah ia impikan bersama Arlet. Semua itu membuat
An sadar bahwa ia tidak perlu melanjutkan impian Arlet menjadi koki kue Prancis,
ia hanya perlu mewujudkan impiannya sebagai koki masakan Italia untuk membuat
Arlet bahagia.
Kurang lebih isi novel Windry
Ramadhina ini kayak gitu. Yah, actually, aku kejebak pas baca sinopsisnya—iya,
ke-je-bak. Kirain masa lalu yang dimaksud di sini tuh masalalu An sama
mantannya atau gimana, haha.
Novel ini ngambil sudut pandang
orang pertama, tokoh utamanya adalah An. Yang aku suka dari novel ini adalah,
mbak Windry suka ngegambarin suatu tempat atau makanan secara detail, bikin
kita jelas ngebayanginnya, bikin pengen ke sana, dan bikin ngiler kalo lagi
gambarin makanan, haha.
Tapi, aku rada kesel sama tokoh An
di sini, dia itu ceroboh banget, suka bikin marah kokinya yang ngomong-ngomong
bikin gemes, loh! Haha. Si koki ini digambarin sebagai cowok yang cuek, kaku,
perfeksionis, tapi kadang perhatian.
Di novel ini juga ada sekilas
tentang si perempuan pembawa hujan, nah, sebenernya aku bingung, tokoh dia di
situ tuh kayak apa ya? Nggak penting. Apalagi tokoh si lelaki penyuka salsa
yang selalu datang di saat yang nggak tepat, mengganggu An dan si koki beraroma
apel, minta dan sage, bikin geregetan! Haha.
Tapi keseluruhan sih novel ini
lumayan, walaupun aku nggak nemuin “greget”-nya. Favorit aku sih tetep ya part-part
di mana mbak Windry lagi ngegambarin tempat atau makanan, haha. Ada satu quote
yang aku suka dari novel ini,
“Pelangi yang muncul setelah hujan, adalah janji alam bahwa masa
buruk telah berlalu dan masa depan akan baik-baik saja.”
Rate: 3/5
Judul : Touché
Penulis : Windhy Puspitadewi
Penerbit : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tebal : 204 hlm; 20cm
Penulis : Windhy Puspitadewi
Penerbit : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tebal : 204 hlm; 20cm
kemampuan aneh yang bisa merasakan apa yang dirasakan orang lain lewat
sentuhan, Riska memiliki kehidupan normal layaknya siswi SMA biasa. Tapi semua
berubah sejak kedatangan Pak Yunus, guru pengganti, serta perkenalannya dengan
Indra yang dingin dan Dani si juara kelas.
Riska kemudian diberitahu bahwa dirinya adalah touché alias orang yang memiliki kemampuan melalui sentuhan, seperti halnya Indra, Dani, dan Pak Yunus. Seakan itu belum sukupmengejutkan, Pak Yunus diculik! Sebuah puisi kuno diduga merupakan kunci untuk menemukan keberadaan Pak Yunus.
Dengan segala kemampuan, Riska, Dani, dan Indra berusaha memecahkan kode dalam puisi kuno tersebut dan menyelamatkan guru mereka.
Riska kemudian diberitahu bahwa dirinya adalah touché alias orang yang memiliki kemampuan melalui sentuhan, seperti halnya Indra, Dani, dan Pak Yunus. Seakan itu belum sukupmengejutkan, Pak Yunus diculik! Sebuah puisi kuno diduga merupakan kunci untuk menemukan keberadaan Pak Yunus.
Dengan segala kemampuan, Riska, Dani, dan Indra berusaha memecahkan kode dalam puisi kuno tersebut dan menyelamatkan guru mereka.
Touché (re: tusye) ini novel keempat mbak Windhy yang diterbitkan di Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Novel ini bercerita tentang tiga anak SMA (Riska, Indra, Dani) yang sama-sama punya kemampuan lewat sentuhan. Yang pertama Riska (iya, namanya sama kayak aku :D), dia bisa ngerasain apa yang orang lain rasain cuma dengan cara menyentuhnya, disebutnya the empath, bayangin aja kalo dia nggak sengaja nyentuh orang yang lagi frustasi di tempat umum, nyiksa nggak, tuh? Haha.
Yang kedua Indra, dia ini anaknya
dingin, tapi dia bakal selalu ngelindungin orang-orang yang dianggap penting
sama dia. Kemampuan cowok ini adalah menyerap pikiran orang lain yang
disentuhnya disebutnya the mind reader. Hal ini memberikan banyak
banget keuntungan, salah satunya adalah dia selalu menjadi juara judo di
sekolahnya karena dalam sedetik, dia sudah bisa membaca gerakan lawannya karena
menyentuhnya. Tapi Indra nggak mau ambil resiko banyak, selain saat latihan
judo, ia selalu menggunakan sarung tangan untuk menghindari sentuhan orang lain—sama
kayak Riska.
Yang terakhir Dani, nah ini dia
cowok penengah antara Riska dan Indra. Kemampuan cowok satu ini menurut gue
paling menguntungkan—dan pastinya bikin ngiri hampir semua mahasiswa—yap! Dani
adalah the text absorber, penyerap tulisan! Dia bisa mengetahui
isi buku selengkap-lengkapnya dengan cara menyentuh buku/teks tersebut, makanya
dia jadi cowok pinter gitu di sekolah, tanpa perlu belajar! Pengen nggak, guys?
Oke, tokohnya udah, sekarang isi ceritanya.
Cerita dimulai dari ketidaksengajaan
mereka bertemu di sekolah karena seorang murid yang sakit. Di awal ini,
kerjasama dan kemampuan mereka benar-benar keliatan. Tiba-tiba datang Pak Yunus—guru
pengganti— yang membuat mereka semua “terjebak” di situasi yang awalnya bikin
mereka kaget. Ya, Pak Yunus ini juga seorang touché yang mengaku
kemampuannya adalah bisa menyerap ingatan alat-alat musik akan permainan yang
sebelumnya pernah dimainkan. Belum selesai dengan kekagetan mereka tentang
kemampuan masing-masing yang bisa membahayakan mereka, masalah baru sudah
muncul , Pak Yunus diculik! Salah satu petunjuk yang mereka dapatkan adalah
sebuah kata kunci, “ceci n’est pas une pipe” yang membawa mereka ke
sebuah petualangan yang menguras tenaga, pikiran, dan kemampuan mereka. Mulai dari
mencari ke rumah pak Yunus yang super besar kayak istana, sampe ke luar kota
dengan mengandalkan kemampuan mereka masing-masing. Suasana agak menegangkan ketika Indra juga diculik oleh
kawanan yang mengetahui mereka adalah seorang touché. Berkat kemampuan
dan kerjasama mereka, akhirnya sampailah mereka ke sebuah rumah yang dijadikan
tempat disembunyikannya Indra dan Pak Yunus. Dan di sinilah mereka bertemu
dengan dalang dari semua kejadian ini.
Menurutku, ini novel bagus banget
terutama buat yang suka genre novel berbau petualangan dan mecahin kode-kode
gitu. Mbak Windhy bener-bener nulis semuanya dengan mateng menurutku, dari
mulai kode, latar tempat, sampe cara mecahin kode itu sendiri. Nggak cuma soal
petualangan sama kemampuan touché yang dibahas di novel ini, tapi ada
juga tentang cinta, dan yang paling aku suka adalah tokoh Indra. Mbak Windhy
ngegambarin tokoh Indra di sini sebagai cowok yang, yah, dipengenin sama semua
cewek! Haha. Pokoknya buat yang suka genre novel kayak touché ini, harus
banget baca, deh!
Buat novel mbak Windhy yang satu
ini, aku kasih rate: 5/5
speech or indirect speech refers to reproducing the idea of another person’sword.
Not all of the exact word are used: verb forms and pronouns may change. Quotation
marks are not used. Different from reported speech, there is also quoted
speech or direct speech. It refers to
reproducing another person’s exact words. Quotation marks are used.
Time References
Not only change the form and tenses,
we also have to change the form of time:
The next day/ the following day
Next week
The following week
The day before/ the previous day
Last week
The previous week/ a week before
2 days ago
2 days before
Rules Based on
Simple Present (S+V1)
Tom said, “I work hard”
Simple Past (S+V2)
Tom said that he worked hard
Present Continous (S+is/am/are+Ving)
Tom said, “I am working hard”
Past Continous (S+was/were+Ving)
Tom said that he was working hard
Present Perfect (S+have/has+V3)
Tom said, “I have worked hard”
Past Perfect (S+had+V3)
Tom said that he had worked hard
Future (S+will+V1)
Tom said, “I will work hard”
Past Future (S+would+V1)
Tom said that he would work hard
Modal (can, may, have to, must, should, ought to)
Tom said, “I can work hard”
Modal (could, might, had to, had to, should, ought to)
Tom said that he could work hard
Simple Past (S+V2)
Tom said, “I worked hard”
Past Perfect (S+had+V3)
Tom said that he had worked hard
We can also change many sentences
like question, statement, and imperative. But, if we wanna change question into
statement, we have to add the word “if” or “whether” for yes/no question.
For example:
He asked me, “do
you know my name?” --> He asked me if I knew his name.
He asked me, “where
do you live?” --> He asked me where I lived.
And for the imperative sentence, we
have to add the word “to”.
For example:
He told me, “don’t
open the door!” --> He told me not to open this door.
He told me, “open
the door!” --> He told me to open this door.
Now let’s do
the exercise below to test your skill!
1. Sally said, “I am sleepy.”
2. Kate said, “where is your apartment”
3. Chris said, “I will cancel my
dorm contract at the end of the semester.”
4. He said, “is that okay?”
5. Eric said, “I’m looking forward
to having you as a roommate.”
Minggu, 20 November 2016
That was already 1 a.m and I just arrived home. My house looked quite but, oh, my Mom still watched TV.
“Still awake, Mom?” I asked.
“Yes.” She smiled and hugged me. “You must be tired, do you want a cup of tea?”
“Yes, Mom, it sounds good.”
My Mom went to the kitchen as I lied down on sofa. I just closed my eyes when my cellphone was ringing. Wait, what? My Mom called me while she was in the kitchen, how funny!
“Yes, Mom?” I answered the phone and laughed.
“Where are you? I can’t go home tonight, I have to stay at your grandma’s house.”
“What? You can’t go home? But… It’s not funny, Mom!”
“What funny? Don’t forget to locked the door and windows, okay?”
My Mom still spoke on the phone when I glanced to the kitchen and my “Mom” stood there with two cups of tea on her hands. Then she gazed at me and smiled.
“I already locked the door and windows.” She said.
“Still awake, Mom?” I asked.
“Yes.” She smiled and hugged me. “You must be tired, do you want a cup of tea?”
“Yes, Mom, it sounds good.”
My Mom went to the kitchen as I lied down on sofa. I just closed my eyes when my cellphone was ringing. Wait, what? My Mom called me while she was in the kitchen, how funny!
“Yes, Mom?” I answered the phone and laughed.
“Where are you? I can’t go home tonight, I have to stay at your grandma’s house.”
“What? You can’t go home? But… It’s not funny, Mom!”
“What funny? Don’t forget to locked the door and windows, okay?”
My Mom still spoke on the phone when I glanced to the kitchen and my “Mom” stood there with two cups of tea on her hands. Then she gazed at me and smiled.
“I already locked the door and windows.” She said.
He’s Peter. I just met him two days ago, but I felt something different. He’s really good guy, and, ya, I liked him.
Yesterday we went to the park, had a pretty fun chit-chat, and there was no awkward feeling, just laugh and laugh. Actually, that was not a really good park, there was funeral behind, but it’s fine. That was 3 p.m and the park was not crowded as usual. There were only me, Peter, and two couples on the other side that always looked strange at me since I came
Me and Peter were talking about his favorite book when the rain was coming. So, Peter asked me to go to his house near the park. We were talking and laughing together while walking through the rain. It was really fun until I didn’t realize and care about surroundings. We were laughing and laughing until Peter said, “welcome to my house!”
There was cemetery in front of me, with an old gravestone and Peter’s name on it.
Yesterday we went to the park, had a pretty fun chit-chat, and there was no awkward feeling, just laugh and laugh. Actually, that was not a really good park, there was funeral behind, but it’s fine. That was 3 p.m and the park was not crowded as usual. There were only me, Peter, and two couples on the other side that always looked strange at me since I came
Me and Peter were talking about his favorite book when the rain was coming. So, Peter asked me to go to his house near the park. We were talking and laughing together while walking through the rain. It was really fun until I didn’t realize and care about surroundings. We were laughing and laughing until Peter said, “welcome to my house!”
There was cemetery in front of me, with an old gravestone and Peter’s name on it.
It is Saturday. Like the other Saturdays, The
girl is sitting down on the corner of the room. Gazing into a cup of tea
and a piece of chocolate cake. There is teardrop on her beautiful
cheeks, but her lips are still forced to smile.
It is Saturday. Someone has promised to come, but until now, he has never there. The girl is still waiting. In vain.
It is Saturday. Someone has promised to come, but until now, he has never there. The girl is still waiting. In vain.
was Saturday. The guy already promised his girl to come, but he was
late. The girl was already waiting him, so he drove his car faster.
Unfortunately, his brake was not holding and his car struck the sidewalk
and rolled.
It is Saturday. Like the other Saturdays, The guy is sitting down on the corner of the room, in front of The girl. As usual, The guy can see The girl, but she can’t.
It is Saturday. Like the other Saturdays, The guy is sitting down on the corner of the room, in front of The girl. As usual, The guy can see The girl, but she can’t.
Selasa, 01 November 2016
In English, there are two kinds of
sentence; active and passive. What makes them different is, in active voice
something that do an action is a subject, and something that receive an
action is object. Meanwhile, in passive voice, something that receive an
action is subject, and something that do an action (it can be written or
not) is written near the end of sentence. In every tensis, they also have
different pattern, and to make it easy, I write it on table:
Simple Present
+ V1 + O
+ is/am/are + V3 + by phrase
Jane sweeps the floor. |
The floor is swept by Jane. |
Present Continous
+ is/am/are + V-ing + O
+ is/am/are + being + V3 + by phrase
Jane is sweeping the floor. |
The floor is being swept by Jane. |
Present Perfect
+ have/has + V3 + O
+ have/has + been + V3 + by phrase
Jane has swept the floor. |
The floor has been swept by Jane. |
Simple Past
+ V2 + O
+ was/were + V3 + by phrase
Jane swept the floor. |
The floor was swept by Jane.
Past Continous
+ was/were + V-ing + O
+ was/were + being + V3 + by phrase
Jane was sweeping the floor. |
The floor was being swept by Jane. |
Past Perfect
+ had + V3 + O
+ had + been + V3 + by phrase
Jane had swept the floor. |
The floor had been swept by Jane. |
+ will/(is/am/are+going to) + V1 + O
+ will + be + V3 + by phrase
Jane will sweep the floor. Jane is going to sweep the floor. |
The floor will be swept by Jane. The floor is going to be swept by Jane. |
(Can, may, might, should, must, ought to) |
S + modals +
V1 + O
S + modals + be + V3 + by phrase
Jane can sweep the floor Jane may sweep the floor Jane might sweep the floor Jane should sweep the floor Jane must sweep the floor Jane ought to sweep the floor |
The floor can be swept by Jane The floor may be swept by Jane The floor might be swept by Jane The floor should be swept by Jane The floor must be swept by Jane The floor ought to be swept by Jane |
Nah, if you already understand about
this matery, let’s test your skill by doing this exercise:
Change this
sentence into passive voice!
1. Mr. Hopkins invited me to dinner.
2. Water surrounds an island.
3. A maid will clean our hotel room.
4. A doctor has examined the sick
5. The news had surprised John.
6. She is drinking water.
7. Sue can buy that car.
8. The children were writing the
Change this
sentence into active voice!
1. My watch is going to be fixed by
the jeweler.
2. Many people are employed by that
3. Sue has been hired by that
4. My old car was bought by her.
5. The windows had been washed by
Mr. Fox.
6. That car can be bought by him.
From this matery, we can conclude
that in English—as I said before—there are two kinds of sentence; active and
voice. In active, the subject is something that do the action, and in passive,
the subject is something that receive the action. We can easily differentiate
them by looking at the end of sentence. If there is a “by phrase” so it must be
a passive voice.
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